

Jae Sung Lee, CEO of Brightonix Imaging receives Medical Imaging Technical Achievement Award at IEEE/NPSS 2022

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Jae Sung Lee, a professor of nuclear medicine at Seoul National University Hospital and CEO of Brightonix Imaging, won the "Medical Imaging Technical Achievement Award" at the 2022 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD on the 5th November 2022.

Professor Lee was recognized for his academic achievements in developing the world's first silicon photomultiplier PET, a key technology in the digital positron tomography systems, and solving various challenges in the medical imaging field with artificial intelligence technology.

He also won the award for his international leadership, including the MIC chair of the IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD (2013 and 2021), the chair of the Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Council of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (2018~2019), and the editor-in-chief of Biomedical Engineering Letters (2016~present). 

Meanwhile, Professor Lee was recently elected AdCom member of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and was appointed MIC co-chair of the 2025 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD in Yokohama, Japan.

출처 : 서울대병원 이재성 교수, 국제전기전자공학회 의료영상기술공로상 :후생신보 (whosaeng.com)